Génomique végétale pour la recherche fondamentale

La recherche fondamentale vise à accroître les connaissances scientifiques et la compréhension des processus biologiques. L'innovation et l'efficacité du CNRGV jouent un rôle clé en collaborant sur ces projets.

Grâce aux banques génomiques, le décodage des mécanismes moléculaires au niveau génomique est facilité. Ainsi une grande variété de questions scientifiques peut être abordée en combinant l'expertise et les ressources développés au CNRGV.

Plant genomics serving basic research projects


PAGE : Plant and Animal Genome Evolution

Plant and Animal Genome Evolution (PAGE)

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Projet Brassidom

Evolutionary dynamics and genetic basis of dominance: sporophytic self-incompatibility in the Brassicaceae as a case study.

Evolutionary dynamics and genetic basis of dominance: sporophytic self-incompatibility in the Brassicaceae as a case study.

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Logo ANR rond

Evolutionary dynamics of genes controlling meiotic recombination in polyploid crop plants (DUPLIC)

Evolutionary dynamics of genes controlling meiotic recombination in polyploid crop plants (DUPLIC)

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Developing methods for identifying the (food) risks associated with emerging prions responsible for Chronic Wasting Disease in Europe

The main objective of this project is to develop the first tools dedicated to European CWD prions, in terms of detection in tissues from infected animals and characterization of the risks for human health.

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passiflore projet luiz

Phylogenetic inferences in Passiflora based on the analysis of chloroplast genomes

Using chloroplast genome sequences (cpDNA), our research group has carried out phylogenomic analyses that resulted in strongly supported trees, providing a better understanding of the evolutionary relationships in the Malpighiales and the Fabids' clade...

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Capsella grandiflora

Genomic analyses reveal of self-incompatibility in Capsella

This project aims at characterizing the genetic basis and timing of loss of SI in the self-fertilizing crucifer species Capsella orientalis using complementary approaches (long read sequencing of multiple full-length S-haplotypes, genetic mapping, population genomics and expression analyses).

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Examining the history and impact of gene content variation in sunflower

The proposed research will contribute to new resources for the sunflower genomics community including new draft genome assemblies and annotations for wild Helianthus annuus and an early domesticate. We will also test our hypothesis that copy number variation has been an important contributor to sunflower domestication, and by combining this knowledge with our gene expression datasets and published trait mapping datasets, we may highlight variants useful for further improvement of agronomic traits like yield, oil content, and stress resistance. Finally, this project will test whether the applications of optical mapping can be extended to identifying large chromosomal variants that distinguish pools of DNAs.

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